It’s expressed that following activities to be carried out upon the Company’s Security Policy:

Operational security:  the company safeguards and protects all internal information, clients’ information and internal documents to ensure secure and safe operations and long-run developments.

Information security: the company won’t reveal or expose any information related to employees, shareholders, daily activities and about clients, including data collected during our professional activities to the third parties except law enforces to do so.

Social responsibilty: the company observes Mongolian constitution and other laws upon our routine activities and never supports and funds racism, nationalism, and other extremist views that hurt society and condemns them.


The training and methodological guidelines are provided upon program that approved by the Company’s management team for this policy.

All employers of the Company, including temporary hired, should follow HSE Policy when they work while executing their duties and must inform or notify if find any cases and mishandling that conflict with this policy.


The management team, including chief engineer shall be involved actively to carry out data collection, reporting, reviewing and correction of mishandlings and notify the company’s heads about all necessary actions to implement correction of any mishandlings.